Friday, December 30, 2011

People ask is my answer

Lately; since I've been starting to post again I've had people ask me again why am I doing this? what do I have against muslims? why can't I just leave well enough alone and let them do what they want? why do I have to insult someone else? I have had both muslims, athiests and even fellow Christian's ask me this....

One thing I do when I am asked these things is I sit back for a moment first of all flabargasted if it's a fellow Christian that asks this and I think about my answer. now I will tell you my answer for each and every one of these question are.

1. Why am I doing this?
I am doing this because Jesus is the truth, Jesus said to go into the world and preach the gospel and so I am using this blog as a means of doing this exact thing. I teach of who Jesus really is, how a person can get to heaven, how God is Love, etc. I talk about islam mainly (I have posted about other religions but mostly islam) because God has led me to be friends with a lot of muslim people and sooner or later the topic of belief's comes up, they ask me a question I answer and then they go and say no no no the quran says this, the quran is right, and so on. now I didn't really know what the quran said so being the woman that I am I just had to find out, so I started studying, because Paul in the bible says to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that you believe in. So I started reading about what the quran said, I even read the quran, and all that I read did NOT change my mind about Jesus, just the opposite, it brought me into a CLOSER relationship with Jesus because I was assured of what the truth really is and it is JESUS. so mainly I am doing this because God told me to, and also because islam has a screwed up view (no offense intended but it's the truth) about who Jesus really is and so I want to get all the information I can and present it in the best possible way so that others can see this truth I am found.

2. What do I have against muslims?
absolutely NOTHING. Jesus tells us to LOVE, so I do not hate muslims, NO WAY. but from everything I have studied, islam is wrong. and I cannot sit back and say nothing while muslims (or anyone else) goes down a road that is actually away from the truth and away from God. so I present what I have and whoever reads it can make up their own mind.

3. Why can't I just leave well enough alone and let them do what they want?
Let me ask you to picture something with me....
if someone was walking down a street minding their own business and you were on a different street and you saw ahead on their side that there was a HUGE gaping hole, a hole that they didn't see and they were going to fall into and die. What would you do? would you warn them? or would you let them continue toward this hole and allow them to fall in and die....that is the picture that God showed me before I started doing this....wide is the road that leads to destruction, narrow is the road that leads to life. yes there will be people who won't like what I say, and there will be people who get angry or offended, but honestly you can't live your life trying not to offend everyone, if that is how you live then you end up getting hurt and people will walk all over you...these people are heading for a hole, I am just trying to warn them before they fall in....

4. Why do I have to insult someone else?
Where am I being insulting? yes I could see it being very insulting if I was posting hate messages or lies...BUT I'm not...I am giving the truth and I am even giving references so that YOU can even go into the bible or the quran and look up these things for yourself. I have to say, if you think I'm lying, or if I am insulting you or your religion, then dont accuse me of doing so....if you think I am lying, then go get your quran and go look up whatever verse or subject you think I'm lying about....I challenge you....PROVE ME WRONG....if you dont believe me when I say that the bible isnt corrupted then dont just say that, go to UNBIASED sites and study it for yourself, again prove me wrong....don't just go off of what your imam tells you, actually go and RESEARCH the subjects for yourself...when I did my researching, I went to Christian, muslim and even non-religious sources I compared everything and I prayed about it and went from have to research every angle not just one single piece. so if you think I am lying or insulting you then don't just accuse me of me actual proof as to why you believe that....

anyway there are probably other questions I have been asked about this but I can't remember them right now (I think I'm suffering from lack of eating LOL I will remedy that after I finish here) I hope that answers the questions as to why I am posting the things I am posting here. if not, feel free to leave me a comment along with your question =)

May the Lord Jesus Bless you and cause His Light to Shine upon you

-Into The Light-

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