Thursday, August 18, 2011

Peace? do you want it? you can have it...

 "Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

do you want peace? 

the peace that is spoken of here? 

God promises that we can have this peace,  when we choose to follow Jesus, He comes into our life and He gives us hope, and He gives us a wonderful peace because we now know that our eternal life is secured, we accepted God's gift and we WILL go to heaven when we die. so since we live with Jesus in our life we have true peace....

everyone wants peace, at Miss america they all say they want world peace [just an example] people are always talking about world peace this and world peace that....other religions try to work to obtain peace....and with all the hardships in the world people are looking for peace...

well the peace that God is talking about in the bible, and offering is beyond ANYTHING that we [mere humans] can understand....I have to say that sounds much BETTER then anything that other religions or the world tries to offer...God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and perfect....He can do anything....He's we don't have to exactly understand everything He does, because if we did...then He wouldn't be I'm okay with not understanding every bit of God.....

-I'm okay with not fully understanding 3 persons = 1 GOD....[i.e. The Trinity]
-I'm okay with not fully understaning HOW Jesus could come to earth and be fully human and yet fully GOD...[i.e. John 1:1 and 1:14]
-I'm okay with not fully understanding when God is going to come back [i.e. NO ONE knows when]
-and I am okay with not fully understanding the peace that God gives me....

let God be God....we are we cannot fully understand everything that He does....that's okay though...that's where trusting Him comes in....

so if you want true peace even if you don't fully understand it....accept His gift, and ask Him for His peace in your life....

God Bless

-Into The Light-

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