Sunday, September 4, 2011

why so much hatred?

This month the UN will be voting to possibly recognize an actual palestinian state....I know many of my online friends have a huge hatred for Israel, I cant understand it though....I mean seriously....why do they hate this small country SO MUCH? if there is such a country that ever deserves about the ones that will KILL you if you change religions or even talk to people about your belief's....or how about the ones that allow slave and sex traffiking and the marriage of very young girls to old men....or how about the countries that support terror attacks....or the ones that are gainig nuclear weapons capable of destroying whole countries....
why not hate those?

why hate a country that is striving so hard for peace, why hate a country where you can believe whatever you want and the government wont arrest you for it, why hate a country that is fighting against the war on terror...

sounds me like the wrong country is being hated on....

anyway I DONT hate Israel [as you can probably see] I love Israel and it's people...from what I've seen if palestine gets a state it will only be the beginning of Israel's demise, and I am praying that will NOT happen....
I fully support Israel and palestine getting a state would be the worst thing for Israel....I am praying that it does not happen....

if you support Israel, please pray that palestine does NOT get a recognized state next to Israel....if they really want a state there are plenty of other places, but if they get a state next to Israel, then Israel will yeah...that's my view on it....

now if your reading this and you have hatred for Israel, think....use your brain....Israel is the ONLY free democracy in the Middle East, if that ends....think about how different our world would wont be for the better....everyone deserves freedom....and every country has every right to defend themselves against those who attack seriously think about it....

I am praying that palestine does NOT get the a state recognized.....for Israel's sake as well as the world's....

God Bless

-Into The Light-

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