Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christian's and muslims do not worship the same God. here is why.

I found this on another website and I needed to share it, I'm very sorry I haven't written anything in a long time I have been going through some family problems, but God promises to work ALL things for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)
Anyway I have been having some discussions with some muslims online and all of them have said at one point or another that the "christian God and the muslim god are the same"  that is absolutely not true. 

Jesus and Muhammad have nothing in common.  The God that authentic Christians worship is not the god that Muslims worship.  There is no connection at all.  We use a different book, we worship different deities, we have completely different values and belief systems and though both Christians and Muslims venerate Abraham, Muslims believe that the promised son was Ishmael while Christians understand the promised son to be Isaac, from whom the twelve tribes and the nation of Israel eventually arose.
I cannot think of anything that would cause me to want to worship with Muslims simply because there is no connection.  While I have heard Muslims tell me that “Allah” is simply a name which means “God,” that in and of itself does not mean that our religions connect in any way, shape, or form.
They reject the idea that Jesus is God the Son.  They reject the trinity (mainly because they misunderstand it, thinking that the trinity is made up of three separate Gods.  This of course, would be polytheism.  The Trinity is ONE God in three separate Persons.  How?  I have no idea, but there are a lot of things about God that I know I do not understand and will not understand in the next life either.  God is infinite.  How would it be possible for finite human beings to understand the actual nature of an infinite God?  It is arrogance to believe we can beyond what He has shared about Himself.
No, there really are no similarities between Islam and authentic Christianity.  None.  If there were, then one would not be needed would it?  Moreover, both would merely be ideologies.  If Jesus is God, that rules out everything and everyone else.
Islam says Jesus was a prophet.  He was a prophet, but He was also (and remains) God the Son.  Muhammad is considered to be a prophet (Allah’s final prophet to humanity).  Even if that was true, Muhammad was never God or God’s Son.
The idea that Christians and Muslims can worship together based on alleged similarities is merely another lie and it is tragic that many Muslims believe that lie.  This is another instance of Islam wanting to indoctrinate the world by pretending to be something that it is not.

then they try to claim that the bible was changed....well if the christian God and the muslim god are the same then wouldn't he be able to protect and preserve BOTH holy books? hmmm....If you believe that the bible has been changed please feel free to read my other blog
the evidence given shows that the bible I read today is the same as those in ancient times.
so anyway, I just wanted to share these tid bits with you, 
I will post more about the comparisons between muhammad and Jesus in my next blog post

God Bless

Into The Light

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